Thursday 20 November 2014

Practise Final Makeup- My Partner

My Partner- Practising My Final Design

This week in our makeup sessions we were paired up with our partners to practise our final makeup designs for assessments in the new 2 weeks. 

Daniella my partner practised my makeup look twice this week on me as she will be going first on the real timed assessments and I will be doing mine the following week. 

As you can see in my previous post I want my eyebrows blocking out and the face quite white but mixed with some natural foundation so its not ghostly white. 

I feel the makeup Daniella produced was pretty much how I was imagining it to look and although there wasn't anything too complicated on my design this means that she need to have the final outcome of the look perfectly done and even all over the face. 

My partner did a fantastic job on blocking my eyebrows out with soap and water and covering them up which I think she was also very happy with as well, they were very smooth and evenly flattened which helped when she began covering with the makeup as you could barely see them at all!!

As for the rest on the makeup she did produce a really good cover on the base, however the only thing I would like is for her to add more natural coloured foundation to the white so it gives a more washed out tone to the face, therefore being slightly more contemporary, and to add more blusher and build on it so it contours more of the cheekbone and is slightly more visible to the front of the face, which she did do on her second attempt as we both discussed and thought it would look better this way. 

My partners first attempt at the full final makeup look

Her second attempt at the full makeup look- as you can see the blusher contour is stronger and the eyebrows are completely covered and barely visible.

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